dev + it dev typescript Typescript w3schoolsTypeScript is transpiled into JavaScript using a compiler. TypeScript being converted into JavaScript means it runs anywhere that JavaScript runs! wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs prisma prisma-query-logLog prisma query event. Latest version: 3.2.1, last published: 4 months ago. Start using prisma-query-log in your project by running `npm i prisma-query-log`. There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using prisma-query-log. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs prisma prisma-query-formatterSmall utility for Prisma query formatting and param substitution in logs. Latest version: 0.2.1, last published: 19 days ago. Start using prisma-query-formatter in your project by running `npm i prisma-query-formatter`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using prisma-query-formatter. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nodejs prisma Printing full SQL queries with parameters in debug mode · Issue #5026 · prisma/prismaI am initializing prisma with {debug: true, log: ['info', 'query'],} and this is printing SQL queries without actual parameters, just ? to mask them. Wouldn't it be useful to print the whole thing? wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs tailwindcss Configuration - Tailwind CSSA guide to configuring and customizing your Tailwind installation. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs tailwindcss tailwind css 사용 설명서프론트 앤드와는 담쌓고 디자인과는 거리가 먼 나에게 tailwind css 는 한줄기 빛 이었다. 세상에 복잡하게 설정 할 필요도 없이 그냥 class 에다가 쭉 적어 넣기만 하면 된다구? 하지만 그 편한 사용법에도 당연히 문법이 있었으니.. tailwind css 의 문법들을 간단히 소개해 보고자 한다. tailwind css 횸페이지는 이다. Get started 를 누르면 기본적인 설치 방법들이 나오는데 따라하면 누구나 쉽게 설치 할 수 있다. 기본 사용법 예시 class의 "" 안에 있는 내용이 모두 tailwindcss 의 명령어다. 간단히 설명하자면 w-12 는 높이는 12로 설정 h-10 은 넓이는 10으로 설정 text-white 는 글자 색을 .. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs shadcnui GitHub - samabid/authnextjs: Next.js full stack authentication app with shadcn uiNext.js full stack authentication app with shadcn ui - samabid/authnextjs wono | discuss | tweet + it dev typscript [Next.js] 타입스크립트 타입 관리 (f.. : 네이버블로그 wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs module How can I get the path of a module I have loaded via require that is *not* mine (i.e. in some node_module) wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs module How to get relative path to an imported file in node.js wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs console log Removing Console Logs in Next.js ProjectsConsole logs are invaluable for debugging during development. However, leaving them in your production code can impact performance and potentially expose sensitive information. Thus, it’s crucial to… wono | discuss | tweet + it dev shadcn template Top 5+ Free Shadcn UI & NextJS Boilerplates/Templates for 2024Web development is always evolving, and keeping up means using the best tools available. If you're... Tagged with nextjs, webdev, opensource, resources. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev react shadcnui shadcn/ui 를 이용한 공유 UI 컴포넌트 사용 경험공유 UI 컴포넌트를 가져다가 사용하는 방법에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 이에 대해 알아보고 Radix-ui와 이를 기반으로 만들어진 shadcn/ui 를 선택한 이유와 간단한 사용 방법에 대해 알아봤습니다. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs shadcnui dashboard Admin Dashboard With Next.js, TypeScript & Shadcn/uiWe will build a dashboard interface using React, Next.js, TypeScript and Shadcn-ui. It will be a content management interface for blog posts. We will also use Recharts, Lucide-React, React-Hook-Form and Zod for validation. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev shadcnui admin GitHub - satnaing/shadcn-admin: Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite.Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite. Contribute to satnaing/shadcn-admin development by creating an account on GitHub. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs shadcnui tailwindcss Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) · tailwindlabs/tailwindcss · Discussion #13881Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs shadcnui Calendar shadcn-ui language · Issue #1498 · shadcn-ui/uiHi, how do I change the calendar language? also, when it displays the date such as "September 7th 2023" I want it to display in another language. wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs oci bucket Uploading a file to Oracle Object Storage using Node.JSWe extend the tutorial of How to upload a file in a full-stack React app to learn how to upload a... wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs oci bucket Downloading a file from Oracle Object Storage using Node.JSWe extend the tutorial of How to download a file in a full-stack React app to learn how to download a... wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs shadcnui Switch to newyork · Issue #2570 · shadcn-ui/uiI installed the project with default theme now I want to switch to new york what can I do. wono | discuss | tweetNext
+ it dev typescript Typescript w3schoolsTypeScript is transpiled into JavaScript using a compiler. TypeScript being converted into JavaScript means it runs anywhere that JavaScript runs! wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs prisma prisma-query-logLog prisma query event. Latest version: 3.2.1, last published: 4 months ago. Start using prisma-query-log in your project by running `npm i prisma-query-log`. There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using prisma-query-log. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs prisma prisma-query-formatterSmall utility for Prisma query formatting and param substitution in logs. Latest version: 0.2.1, last published: 19 days ago. Start using prisma-query-formatter in your project by running `npm i prisma-query-formatter`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using prisma-query-formatter. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nodejs prisma Printing full SQL queries with parameters in debug mode · Issue #5026 · prisma/prismaI am initializing prisma with {debug: true, log: ['info', 'query'],} and this is printing SQL queries without actual parameters, just ? to mask them. Wouldn't it be useful to print the whole thing? wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs tailwindcss Configuration - Tailwind CSSA guide to configuring and customizing your Tailwind installation. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs tailwindcss tailwind css 사용 설명서프론트 앤드와는 담쌓고 디자인과는 거리가 먼 나에게 tailwind css 는 한줄기 빛 이었다. 세상에 복잡하게 설정 할 필요도 없이 그냥 class 에다가 쭉 적어 넣기만 하면 된다구? 하지만 그 편한 사용법에도 당연히 문법이 있었으니.. tailwind css 의 문법들을 간단히 소개해 보고자 한다. tailwind css 횸페이지는 이다. Get started 를 누르면 기본적인 설치 방법들이 나오는데 따라하면 누구나 쉽게 설치 할 수 있다. 기본 사용법 예시 class의 "" 안에 있는 내용이 모두 tailwindcss 의 명령어다. 간단히 설명하자면 w-12 는 높이는 12로 설정 h-10 은 넓이는 10으로 설정 text-white 는 글자 색을 .. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs shadcnui GitHub - samabid/authnextjs: Next.js full stack authentication app with shadcn uiNext.js full stack authentication app with shadcn ui - samabid/authnextjs wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs module How can I get the path of a module I have loaded via require that is *not* mine (i.e. in some node_module) wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs module How to get relative path to an imported file in node.js wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs console log Removing Console Logs in Next.js ProjectsConsole logs are invaluable for debugging during development. However, leaving them in your production code can impact performance and potentially expose sensitive information. Thus, it’s crucial to… wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev shadcn template Top 5+ Free Shadcn UI & NextJS Boilerplates/Templates for 2024Web development is always evolving, and keeping up means using the best tools available. If you're... Tagged with nextjs, webdev, opensource, resources. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev react shadcnui shadcn/ui 를 이용한 공유 UI 컴포넌트 사용 경험공유 UI 컴포넌트를 가져다가 사용하는 방법에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 이에 대해 알아보고 Radix-ui와 이를 기반으로 만들어진 shadcn/ui 를 선택한 이유와 간단한 사용 방법에 대해 알아봤습니다. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs shadcnui dashboard Admin Dashboard With Next.js, TypeScript & Shadcn/uiWe will build a dashboard interface using React, Next.js, TypeScript and Shadcn-ui. It will be a content management interface for blog posts. We will also use Recharts, Lucide-React, React-Hook-Form and Zod for validation. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev shadcnui admin GitHub - satnaing/shadcn-admin: Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite.Admin Dashboard UI built with Shadcn and Vite. Contribute to satnaing/shadcn-admin development by creating an account on GitHub. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs shadcnui tailwindcss Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) · tailwindlabs/tailwindcss · Discussion #13881Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs shadcnui Calendar shadcn-ui language · Issue #1498 · shadcn-ui/uiHi, how do I change the calendar language? also, when it displays the date such as "September 7th 2023" I want it to display in another language. wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs oci bucket Uploading a file to Oracle Object Storage using Node.JSWe extend the tutorial of How to upload a file in a full-stack React app to learn how to upload a... wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs oci bucket Downloading a file from Oracle Object Storage using Node.JSWe extend the tutorial of How to download a file in a full-stack React app to learn how to download a... wono | discuss | tweet
+ it dev nextjs shadcnui Switch to newyork · Issue #2570 · shadcn-ui/uiI installed the project with default theme now I want to switch to new york what can I do. wono | discuss | tweet