font + it tip font 최고의 프로그래밍 폰트는? | Eric Han's IT Blog wono | discuss | tweet + it dev nextjs font notosanskr NextJs 폰트 적용하기(최적화 하기)개요NextJs에서는 2가지의 폰트적용 방법을 제공한다. 첫번째로는 Google Fonts의 방법이고, 두번째는 Local Fonts의 방법이다. 첫번째 방법인 Google Fonts는 NextJs에 내장되어 있어서 간단하게 Import 하여 사용 가능하고, Local Fonts의 방법은 사용하고자 하는 폰트의 woff 파일을 다운받아서 사용하는 방법이다. 공식문서를 참고하면 누구나 다 적용할 수 있지만, 공부도 하면서 차이점도 쓰면서,, 그러려고 한다,, 프로젝트를 진행하면서 두 방법 모두 사용 보았으며, 그것에 대한 기록을 적어두려고 한다. 나는 App Router 방식이 아닌 Pages Router 방식을 사용했다. Google Fonts 적용하기공식문서에서도 나와 있듯이 적용방법은 너무나도 간단하.. wono | discuss | tweet + flutter font texttheme [Flutter] ThemeData, TextTheme를 적용해서 앱의 테마를 지정해보자앱, 웹을 처음 만들때 프론트엔드에서 다크모드, 라이트모드를 미리 생각하고 만들지 않는다면 디자인 시스템에 빠르게 맞추지 못할수도 있기 때문에 처음 만들때 ThemeData, TextTheme을 미리 설정해놓고 작업을 하는게 좋다. 그래서 ThemeData, TextTheme 화면마다 공통 된 Theme을 적용해보려고 한다. 1. ThemeData 설정 ThemeData class - material library - Dart API Defines the configuration of the overall visual Theme for a MaterialApp or a widget subtree.. wono | discuss | tweet + font google Moo Lah Lah - Google FontsNeed a font with bovine fun? Moo Lah Lah has that look! It comes with Latin Character sets including Western, Central, and Vietnamese language support. To contr wono | discuss | tweet + font google Fascinate Inline - Google FontsFascinate and Fascinate Inline are nods to Art Deco yesteryear and typefaces like Broadway, yet they have an exaggerated x-height and softness that give them a wono | discuss | tweet + font google Vast Shadow - Google FontsVast is a Victorian slab serif advertising type. Vast has a feeling of sturdy solidity combined with just a little bit of refinement. Because Vast Shadow has a wono | discuss | tweet + font google variable mono Recursive - Google FontsRecursive is typographic palette for UI & code. It draws inspiration from single-stroke casual, a style of brush writing used in signpainting that is stylistica wono | discuss | tweet + font google variable axis Variable Fonts - Google FontsMaking the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography wono | discuss | tweet + font google Yuji Boku - Google Fonts"Yuji" is a series of fonts digitizing handwriting by the calligrapher Yuji Kataoka. Yuji Boku is a new and joyful design. It has both simplicity and warmth. Fo wono | discuss | tweet + flutter font variable [Flutter] Flutter에 Figma Variable Fonts 적용하기* Flutter Extends Extended Korea 2023 세션을 듣고 정리한 글입니다. Variable font는 사용자가 유형과 아이콘을 제어할 수 있도록 하는 새롭고 혁신적인 글꼴 형식이다. Variable fonts support in Figma Variable fonts support in Figma Variable fonts support in Figma allows you to broaden the possibilities of your designs and typography with a wide range of font styles and features. 기존의 Flutter에서 custom font를 적용하는 방법은 다음과 같았다. 1. assets/.. wono | discuss | tweet + font google Press Start 2P - Google FontsPress Start 2P is a bitmap font based on the font design from 1980s Namco arcade games. It works best at sizes of 8px, 16px and other multiples of 8. Although t wono | discuss | tweet + font google Stick - Google FontsTrue to its name, Stick is designed with straight lines that create a cute and playful feel. The pastoral ambience also gives this font wide versatility for use wono | discuss | tweet + font google ewert Ewert - Google FontsEwert is slab serif wood type inspired by and loosely based on the collection of cultural infographic maps by Estonian graphic artist Olev Soans. Ewert has been wono | discuss | tweet + font sono Sono Typeface Font - Download Free - JustFreeFonts.comDownload Sono Typeface Font for Free. Sono Typeface, created by Tyler Finck, is Free for both Personal & Commercial Use. Download Sono Typeface at wono | discuss | tweet + font google VT323 - Google FontsThis font was created from the glyphs of the DEC VT320 text terminal, which I used in college, and for which I have retained an unaccountable nostalgia. I used wono | discuss | tweet + font mono 129 Free Monospaced Fonts · 1001 FontsMonospaced fonts are ideal for hackers, coders and the lovers of ASCII art, insisting on a font set with a fixed character width for absolute symmetry. wono | discuss | tweet + font commodore Commodore 64 Pixelized Font | dafont.comCommodore 64 Pixelized Font | wono | discuss | tweet + font gameboy Early GameBoy Font | dafont.comEarly GameBoy Font | wono | discuss | tweet + font google B612 Mono - Google FontsB612 is an highly legible open source font family, designed and tested to be used on aircraft cockpit screens. Its design makes it particularly suitable for deg wono | discuss | tweet + font google Kablammo - Google FontsKablammo is an experimental variable font, taking inspiration from maximalist curly doodad designs from the ’90s, the Memphis Design movement, as well as cartoo wono | discuss | tweetNext
+ it dev nextjs font notosanskr NextJs 폰트 적용하기(최적화 하기)개요NextJs에서는 2가지의 폰트적용 방법을 제공한다. 첫번째로는 Google Fonts의 방법이고, 두번째는 Local Fonts의 방법이다. 첫번째 방법인 Google Fonts는 NextJs에 내장되어 있어서 간단하게 Import 하여 사용 가능하고, Local Fonts의 방법은 사용하고자 하는 폰트의 woff 파일을 다운받아서 사용하는 방법이다. 공식문서를 참고하면 누구나 다 적용할 수 있지만, 공부도 하면서 차이점도 쓰면서,, 그러려고 한다,, 프로젝트를 진행하면서 두 방법 모두 사용 보았으며, 그것에 대한 기록을 적어두려고 한다. 나는 App Router 방식이 아닌 Pages Router 방식을 사용했다. Google Fonts 적용하기공식문서에서도 나와 있듯이 적용방법은 너무나도 간단하.. wono | discuss | tweet
+ flutter font texttheme [Flutter] ThemeData, TextTheme를 적용해서 앱의 테마를 지정해보자앱, 웹을 처음 만들때 프론트엔드에서 다크모드, 라이트모드를 미리 생각하고 만들지 않는다면 디자인 시스템에 빠르게 맞추지 못할수도 있기 때문에 처음 만들때 ThemeData, TextTheme을 미리 설정해놓고 작업을 하는게 좋다. 그래서 ThemeData, TextTheme 화면마다 공통 된 Theme을 적용해보려고 한다. 1. ThemeData 설정 ThemeData class - material library - Dart API Defines the configuration of the overall visual Theme for a MaterialApp or a widget subtree.. wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Moo Lah Lah - Google FontsNeed a font with bovine fun? Moo Lah Lah has that look! It comes with Latin Character sets including Western, Central, and Vietnamese language support. To contr wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Fascinate Inline - Google FontsFascinate and Fascinate Inline are nods to Art Deco yesteryear and typefaces like Broadway, yet they have an exaggerated x-height and softness that give them a wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Vast Shadow - Google FontsVast is a Victorian slab serif advertising type. Vast has a feeling of sturdy solidity combined with just a little bit of refinement. Because Vast Shadow has a wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google variable mono Recursive - Google FontsRecursive is typographic palette for UI & code. It draws inspiration from single-stroke casual, a style of brush writing used in signpainting that is stylistica wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google variable axis Variable Fonts - Google FontsMaking the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Yuji Boku - Google Fonts"Yuji" is a series of fonts digitizing handwriting by the calligrapher Yuji Kataoka. Yuji Boku is a new and joyful design. It has both simplicity and warmth. Fo wono | discuss | tweet
+ flutter font variable [Flutter] Flutter에 Figma Variable Fonts 적용하기* Flutter Extends Extended Korea 2023 세션을 듣고 정리한 글입니다. Variable font는 사용자가 유형과 아이콘을 제어할 수 있도록 하는 새롭고 혁신적인 글꼴 형식이다. Variable fonts support in Figma Variable fonts support in Figma Variable fonts support in Figma allows you to broaden the possibilities of your designs and typography with a wide range of font styles and features. 기존의 Flutter에서 custom font를 적용하는 방법은 다음과 같았다. 1. assets/.. wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Press Start 2P - Google FontsPress Start 2P is a bitmap font based on the font design from 1980s Namco arcade games. It works best at sizes of 8px, 16px and other multiples of 8. Although t wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Stick - Google FontsTrue to its name, Stick is designed with straight lines that create a cute and playful feel. The pastoral ambience also gives this font wide versatility for use wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google ewert Ewert - Google FontsEwert is slab serif wood type inspired by and loosely based on the collection of cultural infographic maps by Estonian graphic artist Olev Soans. Ewert has been wono | discuss | tweet
+ font sono Sono Typeface Font - Download Free - JustFreeFonts.comDownload Sono Typeface Font for Free. Sono Typeface, created by Tyler Finck, is Free for both Personal & Commercial Use. Download Sono Typeface at wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google VT323 - Google FontsThis font was created from the glyphs of the DEC VT320 text terminal, which I used in college, and for which I have retained an unaccountable nostalgia. I used wono | discuss | tweet
+ font mono 129 Free Monospaced Fonts · 1001 FontsMonospaced fonts are ideal for hackers, coders and the lovers of ASCII art, insisting on a font set with a fixed character width for absolute symmetry. wono | discuss | tweet
+ font commodore Commodore 64 Pixelized Font | dafont.comCommodore 64 Pixelized Font | wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google B612 Mono - Google FontsB612 is an highly legible open source font family, designed and tested to be used on aircraft cockpit screens. Its design makes it particularly suitable for deg wono | discuss | tweet
+ font google Kablammo - Google FontsKablammo is an experimental variable font, taking inspiration from maximalist curly doodad designs from the ’90s, the Memphis Design movement, as well as cartoo wono | discuss | tweet