oracle + oracle cloud free r/selfhosted - Comment by u/lvkaszus on ”Received an email about Oracle reclaiming idle Always Free compute resources”24 votes, 48 comments. Just received this email from Oracle: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Customer, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) will be … wono | discuss | tweet + it oracle cloud mysql 오라클, 적진에 마이SQL을 투하하다오라클이 마이SQL 데이터베이스 서비스를 적진 아마존웹서비스(AWS)에 투하했다. 빠른 성능과 낮은 비용, 다양한 핵심기능 등을 앞세워 클라우드 시장의 오픈소스 DB 서비스... wono | discuss | tweet + oracle cloud Ultra High Performance robert | discuss | tweet + oracle postgresql SQLines - Online SQL Conversion - SQL Scripts, DDL, Queries, Views, Stored Procedures, Triggers wono | discuss | tweet + oracle recovery Recovery in the with Oracle Autonomous DatabaseBy Franck Pachot . I’ll start this series with the Oracle Autonomous database but my goal is to cover the Point In Time recovery for many managed databases in the major cloud providers. Because I’ve seen lot of confusion about database backups (see What is a database backup (back to the basics)). On one side, […] wono | discuss | tweet + database oracle Oracle Database - (Fragmented) (Unused|Free) space (Reclaim|Shrink|resize) | Oracle Database | Datacadamia - Data and CoUsed and free space. A data file contains ordered extents (by block Id). One segments is made up of one of several extents (not ordered, contiguous). Over time, updates and deletes on objects within a tablespace can create pockets of empty space that individually are not large enough to be reused for new data. This type of empty space is referred to as fragmented free spaceextentable segmensegmentablespacext… wono | discuss | tweet + database oracle How to Calculate Used and Allocated Storage in Oracle Autonomous Database – Database HeartbeatIntroduction Oracle Autonomous Database is a fully managed service. Simply specify the CPU count and the amount of storage needed and you are ready to go. Scaling up and down CPU and storage is an … wono | comment (1) | tweet + aws oracle Performing common database tasks for Oracle DB instances - Amazon Relational Database ServiceFind a description of the Amazon RDS–specific implementations of common database-level DBA tasks for your DB instances that run the Oracle database engine. wono | discuss | tweet + database oracle storage used Oracle Autonomous Database - Over-counting storage used? - Stack OverflowI was trying out the oracle's autonomous DB. Wanted to understand what is the fuss about oracle APEX services - which enables one to directly build apps on a db. The DB comes with a bunch of system wono | discuss | tweet + database oracle temp shrink How Oracle Resize Temp Tablespace - Ed Chen LogicAlter Database Tempfile Resize Upsizing Upsizing a tempfile is easy, just make sure you set a larger size than the original but no more than the maximum size of a data file. For example: SQL> alter database tempfile '+DATA/ORCLCDB/ORCLPDB/temp01.dbf' resize 24g; Database altered. Downsizing As for downsizing a tempfile, it needs to be careful. Downsizing… Read More »How Oracle Resize Temp Tablespace wono | comment (2) | tweet + database oracle Autonomous Database's increased storage usage? : oraclecloudI have added an ATP database but I noticed the storage used in the overview tab increase significantly over time. There is barely any data in the … wono | discuss | tweet + database oracle ORACLE 테이블스페이스 - DB CAFE wono | discuss | tweet + database oracle 오라클 테이블별 사이즈 조회하기 :: 김과장의 AZ팩토리오라클 테이블별 사이즈 조회하기 1. 모든 유저별 테이블 단위 사이즈 조회하기(단위 MB) 아래 쿼리는 system 유저로 접속해서 수행하며 모든 테이블의 크기를 MB 단위로 표현해준다. select owner, segment_name,.. wono | comment (1) | tweet + sql oracle orderby [ORACLE/TIBERO] ORDER BY 절 한글/영문 순으로 제어하기안녕하세요. 간만에 포스팅 입니다. 삽질을 조금 해서..잊지않기 위해서 정리해 두네요 ㅋㅋ order by 를 ... wono | discuss | tweet + oracle error message ora Oracle / PLSQL: Oracle Error MessagesThe following is a listing of Oracle Error Messages: wono | discuss | tweet + oracle case-insensitive invisible Oracle UNIQUE constraint allows same value in different case - Stack OverflowI have an UNIQUE constraint for a column in Oracle Database table. It is allowed to save the same value with lower and upper case. For Example; First I insert M100 into the UNIQUE column of the tab... wono | discuss | tweet + oracle case-insensitive side-effects Before you case-insensitive your whole database! – Learning is not a spectator sport(Familiar with case-insenstive collation already? Skip ahead to the “Side Effects”) A history of failed applications Before Oracle 12, a common cause of frustration was how to easily ha… wono | discuss | tweet + oracle case-insensitive wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle cloud free r/selfhosted - Comment by u/lvkaszus on ”Received an email about Oracle reclaiming idle Always Free compute resources”24 votes, 48 comments. Just received this email from Oracle: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Customer, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) will be … wono | discuss | tweet
+ it oracle cloud mysql 오라클, 적진에 마이SQL을 투하하다오라클이 마이SQL 데이터베이스 서비스를 적진 아마존웹서비스(AWS)에 투하했다. 빠른 성능과 낮은 비용, 다양한 핵심기능 등을 앞세워 클라우드 시장의 오픈소스 DB 서비스... wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle postgresql SQLines - Online SQL Conversion - SQL Scripts, DDL, Queries, Views, Stored Procedures, Triggers wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle recovery Recovery in the with Oracle Autonomous DatabaseBy Franck Pachot . I’ll start this series with the Oracle Autonomous database but my goal is to cover the Point In Time recovery for many managed databases in the major cloud providers. Because I’ve seen lot of confusion about database backups (see What is a database backup (back to the basics)). On one side, […] wono | discuss | tweet
+ database oracle Oracle Database - (Fragmented) (Unused|Free) space (Reclaim|Shrink|resize) | Oracle Database | Datacadamia - Data and CoUsed and free space. A data file contains ordered extents (by block Id). One segments is made up of one of several extents (not ordered, contiguous). Over time, updates and deletes on objects within a tablespace can create pockets of empty space that individually are not large enough to be reused for new data. This type of empty space is referred to as fragmented free spaceextentable segmensegmentablespacext… wono | discuss | tweet
+ database oracle How to Calculate Used and Allocated Storage in Oracle Autonomous Database – Database HeartbeatIntroduction Oracle Autonomous Database is a fully managed service. Simply specify the CPU count and the amount of storage needed and you are ready to go. Scaling up and down CPU and storage is an … wono | comment (1) | tweet
+ aws oracle Performing common database tasks for Oracle DB instances - Amazon Relational Database ServiceFind a description of the Amazon RDS–specific implementations of common database-level DBA tasks for your DB instances that run the Oracle database engine. wono | discuss | tweet
+ database oracle storage used Oracle Autonomous Database - Over-counting storage used? - Stack OverflowI was trying out the oracle's autonomous DB. Wanted to understand what is the fuss about oracle APEX services - which enables one to directly build apps on a db. The DB comes with a bunch of system wono | discuss | tweet
+ database oracle temp shrink How Oracle Resize Temp Tablespace - Ed Chen LogicAlter Database Tempfile Resize Upsizing Upsizing a tempfile is easy, just make sure you set a larger size than the original but no more than the maximum size of a data file. For example: SQL> alter database tempfile '+DATA/ORCLCDB/ORCLPDB/temp01.dbf' resize 24g; Database altered. Downsizing As for downsizing a tempfile, it needs to be careful. Downsizing… Read More »How Oracle Resize Temp Tablespace wono | comment (2) | tweet
+ database oracle Autonomous Database's increased storage usage? : oraclecloudI have added an ATP database but I noticed the storage used in the overview tab increase significantly over time. There is barely any data in the … wono | discuss | tweet
+ database oracle 오라클 테이블별 사이즈 조회하기 :: 김과장의 AZ팩토리오라클 테이블별 사이즈 조회하기 1. 모든 유저별 테이블 단위 사이즈 조회하기(단위 MB) 아래 쿼리는 system 유저로 접속해서 수행하며 모든 테이블의 크기를 MB 단위로 표현해준다. select owner, segment_name,.. wono | comment (1) | tweet
+ sql oracle orderby [ORACLE/TIBERO] ORDER BY 절 한글/영문 순으로 제어하기안녕하세요. 간만에 포스팅 입니다. 삽질을 조금 해서..잊지않기 위해서 정리해 두네요 ㅋㅋ order by 를 ... wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle error message ora Oracle / PLSQL: Oracle Error MessagesThe following is a listing of Oracle Error Messages: wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle case-insensitive invisible Oracle UNIQUE constraint allows same value in different case - Stack OverflowI have an UNIQUE constraint for a column in Oracle Database table. It is allowed to save the same value with lower and upper case. For Example; First I insert M100 into the UNIQUE column of the tab... wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle case-insensitive side-effects Before you case-insensitive your whole database! – Learning is not a spectator sport(Familiar with case-insenstive collation already? Skip ahead to the “Side Effects”) A history of failed applications Before Oracle 12, a common cause of frustration was how to easily ha… wono | discuss | tweet
+ oracle case-insensitive wono | discuss | tweet